
Episode 107 – Foxxxy Darlin

This week we get “Inspired” as we sit and have a conversation with our special guest.  Foxxxy Darlin is a newcomer to all things fun, exciting, and empowering.  She is just under a year into the LS, content creation, and performing. She discusses overcoming societal norms and living life and exploring for her enjoyment and overcoming the fears of what society thinks  and how they view her.  Her strength and mindset in Mrs. words is inspiring as the fear and worry is real and we all can relate.  This beautiful woman is so great to talk with and really take a page from her book and just do it for yourself/  We are not here for a long time so make the most out of the time, make memories, have fun, and do what makes you feel good.  Follow her on her socials and her website below for more and be sure to catch her at an upcoming convention this year.